Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Grade 4 Girls Making A Difference

About one month ago, Rebecca, Ari, Skylar and Maddy from Room 15 decided they would like to sell Rainbow Loom charms and bracelets to the students at our school.  They wrote a note to Mrs. McDonald and had a discussion about how this could work.  Together, the girls came up with the idea that the profits could be donated to charity.  The charity they picked was Siloam Mission.  The "Loom-a-Rama Girls", also known as the "Loomatics" approached our school's Parent Council to ask if they could sell their wares at the annual school BBQ.  Parent Council said "yes"!.

The girls worked together at recess and lunch hours every day to make their charms and bracelets.  They prepared announcements to read to the students during opening exercises so that everyone would know and come and support their efforts.

The BBQ was a huge success and the girls earned $126 to be donated.  Special thank you to the parents of the "Loomatics" who were so supportive of this project!  Today we took a field trip to Siloam Mission to donate the proceeds of the sale.  The girls also decided to donate the extra charms and bracelets as gifts to the patrons.  Here are some things we learned on our field trip:

* Siloam Mission is in downtown Winnipeg and is an organization that offers meals, shelter and clothing to the less fortunate
* Each day they serve up to 1200 meals
* Our donation will feed 40 people
* Each week approximately 260 people visit the clothing donation room

Linwood would like to thank these girls for their dedication to making a difference in the lives of others.  We are proud of you, girls!

Friday, 20 June 2014

Parent Council BBQ

Despite the rain, the Parent Council BBQ was a big hit!  The students had a fantastic time and loved seeing their donations be part of the raffle prizes this year.  It took many hands to make the day successful and we wish to extend our thanks to all who helped out to put on a great event for the kids!

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Thank You, Giving Tree Members!

Today marked that last meeting of the year for our Giving Tree Club students.  All year long these boys and girls have given to others in our community.  Most recently, they gave a "Fun Day" to our whole school by planning a surprise outdoor activity and a snack for each class.  Today, these students were celebrated by receiving a special pizza lunch.  Special thanks to Mrs. Turner and Ms. Jensen for their leadership!