Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Seven Teachings

In December, the Seven Teaching focus was love, which is represented by the eagle, who flies closest to the sun.  To know love is to know peace. Love is based on affection, respect and kindness and is to be given freely from the goodness of your heart.  Love refers not only to the traditional sense of love within families, but on the greater sense of being kind and thoughtful of others.

Enjoy these beautiful pictures that Mrs. Stevenson’s class drew about love.



Monday, 8 December 2014

Giving Tree Update

Thank you Linwood families for your generous support of the Giving Tree Club. 

Our Grade 2 members sorted and counted the warm outerwear collected. Our school community donated 84 hats, 40 pairs of mittens and 19 scarves for children in need!!

Last week's Coin Drive with our Parent Council partners raised over $420 for Sam’s Christmas.  Our Grade 3-5 students used the iPads to plan Christmas purchases for 17 children.  Mrs. Turner and Ms. Jensen will purchase these selected presents and wrap them in time for the hampers to be delivered this weekend.

We greatly appreciate the generosity of our Linwood families and our Giving Tree members. 
Happy holidays!

Friday, 5 December 2014

Team Handball

The grade 4 and 5 team handball teams had a very successful season. They participated in after school paractices and then used the skills they had learned to play interschool games against three other schools:  Brooklands, Assiniboine and Stevenson. They also participated in a friendship tournament where they displayed excellent sportsmanship and team work. Thank you to Mrs. Rogala and Mr. Harris for coaching the teams.

Grade 5 Team

Grade 4 Team

Thursday, 4 December 2014

December Story Time

The following students enjoyed a story and a snack with Mrs. McDonald in December:

Chantel, Jesse, William, Addison, Aubrey, Loralai, Eirrah, Charlotte, Frances, Madison, Danielle, Rebecca, Skylar, Aridine, Joshua D., Josh R., Zach, John M., Maddox, Ajay, Sara H., Kieran B., Kryztofer, Kallan, Ava S., Kaleb Z., Griffin W., Tristan, and Brody.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Lost and Found

During Triad Conferences this week our "Lost & Found" items will be on display in the front hallway.  Please be sure to check for any missing items. Items that remain at the end of each month will be donated to a local charity.