Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Story Time with the Principal
Each month students from each classroom come together to enjoy a story and a snack with Mrs. McDonald. Over the course of the year, each student will have a turn. In December, the following students participated: Ben D., Autumn, Lyla, Sydney, Drake, Cohen, Madison W., Alex U., Lilia, Andrew, K.C., Bryce, Jesse T.P., Tristan, Jessica, Ashley S., Thomas, Violet, Margareth, Adalie, Sara H., Frances, Izzy, Oliver, Grace, and Charlotte.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Staff Change
As many families already know, Mrs. Ryckman's time at Linwood is coming to a close. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her service and to wish her luck in her new teaching assignment. We encourage families to do the same during the final days of December. When we are back to school in January, Mrs. Wurch will return to the music room following her maternity leave. Please join us in welcoming her back to Linwood!
Monday, 12 December 2016
Cold Weather Reminders
A healthy mind and healthy body go hand-in-hand. Outdoor recess
is a time to connect with friends, and recharge through exercise. In this
light, all students are expected to go outside for recess.
Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather everyday as conditions often change throughout the day. Many families also choose to send extra socks and/or mittens in their child's backpack for extra comfort when outdoor gear ends up wet.
We do not have indoor supervision for students during recess. Indoor recess is only permitted in exceptional circumstances. Generally speaking, a child who is too sick to go outside at recess is too sick to benefit from attending school.
During severe weather conditions, as outlined by division policy, all students will be supervised indoors. When the wind chill hazard is at or colder than -29 degrees students will not be permitted outdoors. When the wind chill hazard is between -25 degrees and -28 degrees students may go outdoors for a shorter outdoor recess, up to 10 minutes. We call this shorter recess a "fresh air break". Weather conditions are determined using the report from Environment Canada at The Forks.
These same temperature guidelines apply to our school safety patrols being on duty. When the wind chill hazard is at or colder than -29 degrees the patrols will not be outside.
Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather everyday as conditions often change throughout the day. Many families also choose to send extra socks and/or mittens in their child's backpack for extra comfort when outdoor gear ends up wet.
We do not have indoor supervision for students during recess. Indoor recess is only permitted in exceptional circumstances. Generally speaking, a child who is too sick to go outside at recess is too sick to benefit from attending school.
During severe weather conditions, as outlined by division policy, all students will be supervised indoors. When the wind chill hazard is at or colder than -29 degrees students will not be permitted outdoors. When the wind chill hazard is between -25 degrees and -28 degrees students may go outdoors for a shorter outdoor recess, up to 10 minutes. We call this shorter recess a "fresh air break". Weather conditions are determined using the report from Environment Canada at The Forks.
These same temperature guidelines apply to our school safety patrols being on duty. When the wind chill hazard is at or colder than -29 degrees the patrols will not be outside.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Giving Tree News
Thank you for all the food donations and coins for the coin drive!
We raised nearly $500 from the coin drive to buy toys for hampers in our school division.
We collected nearly 600 food items to donate to those hampers.
With your help, 40 families will receive hampers and have a joyful Christmas this year.
A few students from our school attended a Rock Paper Scissors event at Sturgeon Heights on Dec. 8th to celebrate our hard work with all the schools who collected for hampers. They had a blast and we're all excited to collect again next year!
Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Team Green News
With all of your help, we collected 3 552 plastic bags for recycling in the fall!
These bags were picked up in a recycling truck and we received a planter box made out of recycled plastic.
Thank you for your help!
Our next project will be to re-start composting at Linwood School.
Keep checking the school blog for more information.
Friday, 2 December 2016
Kindergarten 2017
The time of year has come to start
preparing for next year's Kindergarten students. An information evening
for parents will be held on Thursday, January 19 at 7:00 PM in the
school library.
Kindergarten registration will begin on Friday, January 27th at 8:00 AM.
Kindergarten registration will begin on Friday, January 27th at 8:00 AM.
The child's original birth
certificate is required at the time of registration along with two pieces of identification that prove residency (such medical card and driver's licence).
If you know of a family in the community with a child who will be five years old by December 31, 2017 please pass this information along!
If you know of a family in the community with a child who will be five years old by December 31, 2017 please pass this information along!
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Winter Concert News
LOCATION/PARKING: We are performing at St. James Collegiate, located at 1900 Portage Avenue. There will be signs at the Ferry Road entrance to direct families as to where to drop off their children at performance time. Some parking is available in the GWMS and SJC lots. We encourage families to carpool.
ARRIVAL TIME/WARM UP ROOMS: Supervison will be provided in designated warm up rooms beginning at 6:10 p.m. Parents may drop their children off at this time. The concert will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. When you arrive at the school there will be signs to direct students to their warm up areas.
CONCERT DRESS: All students are invited to wear their holiday best.
- Suggested props/costume items are listed below but are not mandatory. Please don’t go out and buy these special for the concert.Kindergarten: Most sparkly/glittery outfitRooms 1 & 8: Wear “holdiay best” outfits with pockets. Add scarves, mitts, toques to complete the look!Rooms 4, 6, 10, 15, 16 & 18: Will be providedAll students must wear their shoes on stage, as no boots are allowed.
CHOIR: Upon arrival at St. James Collegiate, follow the signage to the cafeteria. Leave your coat & boots with your own teacher. After this, report to Mrs. Ryckman . Following the concert, you will go with your teacher back to the cafeteria.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Lost & Found
A number of items have accumulated in our Lost and Found. These items are now on display in the front hallway of the school. Please encourage your child to look at these tables for any items that he/she may have misplaced. We will do the same! Any items that remain after November conferences will be donated to charity.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Conference Time!
Parents and Guardians,
conferences will take place on Thursday,
November 24th from 4:30-7:30
PM. You do NOT have to schedule an
appointment for this date as conferences will take place in an open house
format. Families may attend any time during conference hours. Please plan
to spend approximately 15 minutes per
classroom. Teachers will be available to visit with students and families
during this celebratory time.
purpose of these conferences, led by the student, is to share what is happening
in the classroom and to give students the opportunity to demonstrate, reflect
on, and celebrate their own individual growth. Students will be
prepared to showcase their learning from first term. It is our hope that ALL families will attend the open house and participate in
this opportunity with their child(ren).
Rogala will be available in the gym office to discuss skills worked on this
term in Physical Education. Mrs. Ryckman invites students to visit the music
room with their parents to show them the musical skills they have been learning.
the focus is on celebrating learning, and due to the fact that there will be
multiple families together in the classroom, this is not the ideal time to discuss any concerns you may have about
your child. If you would like to
arrange to speak privately with your
child’s classroom teacher please contact him/her directly at any time during the school
year to arrange a meeting time.
will also be taking appointments on Friday, November 25th during the
morning from 9:15-11:15. Appointments
for this date can be booked using the “Linwood Conference Manager” online at The system will open for bookings on
Thursday, November 17th at 8:30 AM.
you have any questions about our triad conferences, please call the school at 204-889-9356.
look forward to seeing everyone!
Linwood Staff
Emergency Drills
During the course of a school year,
we are mandated to practice 10 fire drills, two lockdown drills and one tornado
drill to prepare our students in the event there is an emergency. Staff will
have reviewed procedures with children before emergency measures practices take
place. We will only notify home in the event of a real crisis. Parents
who are interested in detailed information regarding emergency procedures may
contact Mrs. McDonald directly. We will be holding
our first lockdown drill in the month of November. Please do not hesitate to call the school if you need any
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Giving Tree
The Giving Tree Leadership Team did a count of Linwood's Winnipeg Harvest donations.
Our school collected 131 food items for the food bank!
Thank you to all families who supported us in helping Winnipeg Harvest.
We hope you will support us with our current canned food drive and the upcoming coin drive (detailed in pink letters sent home this week). All donations will go toward making wonderful hampers for families in our own school division. Giving Tree thanks you in advance for your support!
Monday, 7 November 2016
Parenting Today Workshop
Workshops will be held from 6 – 8 p.m. at Educational
Support Services – Jameswood School, 1 Braintree Crescent (off Olive &
Ness). Free pizza supper will be offered
from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. and session will take place from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. To register, please call Arlie
Williams-Taylor at 885-9555 or email
Tuesday, November, 15, 2016
Families are where all our stories begin
Presented by: Alison C. Arnot, M.D., CCFP, FCFP.
Brief overview of secure attachment: what children need from their
caregivers to thrive over the lifespan, a description of the characteristics of
a healthy family followed by an overview of the Healthy Mind Platter which was
developed by Dan Siegel, executive director of the Mindsight Institute and a
clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine in collaboration
with Dr. David Rock, Executive Director of the NeuroLeadership Institute.
Friday, 4 November 2016
November Story Time
Each month some students from each classroom come together to enjoy a story and a snack with Mrs. McDonald. Over the course of the year, each student will have a turn. In November the following students participated in this event: Levi, Alfonso, Tess, Jordyn, Racheal, Akshat, Logan K., Brody, Wyatt, Hudson, Quintin, Xander L., John, Kylie, Griffin P., Matthew, Nolan, Kallan, Tipay, Kate, Sophia, Hailey, Alan, Dylan K. (Rm. 16), and Eirrah.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Report Card Information: Updated
On November 23rd your child's first report card of 2016-2017 will be sent home. Please read on form more information.
For Kindergarten students, the report card is anecdotal in nature and is based on different areas of child development. These are explained in detail by scrolling down to the second page under the heading "Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting" in this link.
For students in Grades 1-5, the Provincial report card is used. Report cards in November and March are both "interim" reports, meaning that they report on your child's progress in the grade up to that specific point in time. The report card in June is the "final" report and will offer a summary of your child's achievement of grade level curriculum outcomes. Below, please find information from Manitoba Education regarding some of the areas parents are often curious about.
For Kindergarten students, the report card is anecdotal in nature and is based on different areas of child development. These are explained in detail by scrolling down to the second page under the heading "Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting" in this link.
For students in Grades 1-5, the Provincial report card is used. Report cards in November and March are both "interim" reports, meaning that they report on your child's progress in the grade up to that specific point in time. The report card in June is the "final" report and will offer a summary of your child's achievement of grade level curriculum outcomes. Below, please find information from Manitoba Education regarding some of the areas parents are often curious about.
If you are interested in reading the full document, please click here. Do you or a family member prefer to read in a language other than English? This document is available here in many other languages including Arabic, Cree, French, Ojibway, Russian, Tagalog and Vietnamese.
How is my child assessed?
Academic achievement grades show how well students achieve curriculum learning goals. This is
referred to as criterion-referenced grading. Academic achievement grades are not based on how
your child performs compared to other students. Factors like attitude, effort and behaviour are
reported separately from academic achievement. While it is understood that these factors affect
academic achievement and therefore grades, reporting them separately provides parents with
more information about their child’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Teachers provide students with many ways to show their skills and understanding in a subject. Achievement grades generally reflect your child’s most recent and consistent academic achievement. For example, this means that a low mark on an assignment early in a term might not be considered when determining your child’s grade for the end of the term if she or he has later consistently shown better understanding or skill in that area. Ask your child's teacher for more information specific to his/her classroom.
What should I do if I am worried about my child’s school performance?
Learning Behaviours
Teachers provide students with many ways to show their skills and understanding in a subject. Achievement grades generally reflect your child’s most recent and consistent academic achievement. For example, this means that a low mark on an assignment early in a term might not be considered when determining your child’s grade for the end of the term if she or he has later consistently shown better understanding or skill in that area. Ask your child's teacher for more information specific to his/her classroom.
What should I do if I am worried about my child’s school performance?
Talk to your child’s teacher. It will be helpful to make a list of areas where your child is having
trouble. Ask the teacher how you can work together to help your child succeed. This doesn't have to wait until report card time! Contact your child's teacher at any point during the school year.
Subject categories
Subject categories
Subject categories are areas of knowledge and skill in each subject your child takes at school.
They give you a better understanding of your child’s learning. The subject categories help to
clarify for parents the “what” of student learning. They are designed to be a part of teaching, learning and assessment in all areas of the subject, not just when certain topics are being taught.
clarify for parents the “what” of student learning. They are designed to be a part of teaching, learning and assessment in all areas of the subject, not just when certain topics are being taught.
In addition to reporting academic achievement, report cards show your child’s effort and attitude
in class, reported under “Learning Behaviours". In Grades 1 to 6, learning behaviours are reported once on your child’s report card (for all
subjects). Learning behaviours are not included directly in students’ grades, but they can affect their
academic achievement. The development of positive learning behaviours can result in future
success for students as they progress through their lives both in and out of school. If students
work independently, take initiative and respect classroom values, these skills will transfer to many
other parts of their lives.
For more information
Visit the Manitoba Education website for more information about
Visit the Manitoba Education website for more information about
what your child is learning in different subject areas: (English Program)
the policies and guidelines for student assessment:
the provincial report card:
Parent Council Craft Sale Update
We are excited to announce the 8th Annual Craft,
Vendor & Bake Sale takes place this Saturday at 10am, with a new colouring
station for children in the auditorium! Flyers will be going home with students,
each containing one free admission.
All baking being donated to the sale must be
prepackaged and brought to the school office on Friday.
All other volunteers for set up this will take
place on Friday following school dismissal at 3:40pm; tear down will take place
Saturday following the sale at 3:00pm.
A huge thank you to everyone in advance for all
of your help and support with this event!
Linwood School Parent Council.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Community News
Join us for a two session workshop on the topic of
stress management.
The first session will provide an introduction to
stress and an opportunity to explore how stress effects you personally. The second session will provide some
practical everyday strategies to cope with stress so that you can enjoy life
Your attendance at both sessions is recommended.
To register: Call
Michelle @
204-940-2453 or email
Next Classes
Access Winnipeg West –
280 Booth Dr., Room 209 – 2nd Floor
Dates: Wednesdays,
Nov. 9th & Nov. 23rd
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
Join us for a two session workshop on the topic of stress
The first session will provide an introduction to
stress and an opportunity to explore how stress effects you personally. The second session will provide some
practical everyday strategies to cope with stress so that you can enjoy life more.
Your attendance at both sessions is recommended.
To register:
Call Michelle @
204-940-2453 or email
Next Classes
Access Winnipeg West –
280 Booth Dr., Room 209 – 2nd Floor
Dates: Wednesdays,
Nov. 9th & Nov. 23rd
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
Join us for a two session workshop on the topic of
stress management.
The first session will provide an introduction to
stress and an opportunity to explore how stress effects you personally. The second session will provide some
practical everyday strategies to cope with stress so that you can enjoy life
Your attendance at both sessions is recommended.
To register:
Call Michelle @
204-940-2453 or email
Next Classes
Access Winnipeg West –
280 Booth Dr., Room 209 – 2nd Floor
Dates: Wednesdays,
Nov. 9th & Nov. 23rd
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
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