As part of
the transition to our new school year, today we held our third annual
"Bump Up Day". Students had a short visit in their new
classroom to meet their new teacher and classmates. Mrs. du Plessis,
who will return to teach in Room 10 beginning in September, was able to join us!
Ask your son/daughter about his/her "Bump Up".
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Monday, 26 June 2017
Lost & Found
A number of items still remain in our Lost
and Found. These items are now on display in the front hallway of the
school. Please encourage your child to look at these tables for any items
that he/she may have misplaced. We will do the same! Any items that
remain at the end of June will be donated to charity.
Friday, 16 June 2017
Final Report Cards
Final Report Cards will
be distributed at the end of the day on the last day of school
(Thursday, June 29, 2017).
If you know
your child will be absent (or leaving early) on the last day, you may choose one of the following options:
- Send us a self-addressed, stamped ($ 1.80), 10” x 13” envelope & we’ll mail it to you.
- Have us hold the report card until school re-opens on August 23rd.
c) Send a letter to the school giving written
permission for us to release your child’s report card to another person who can
pick it up after 3:40 p.m. on June 29th.
Friday, 9 June 2017
Indigenous Education
At Linwood, we are continuing to work at incorporating Indigenous perspectives into our classrooms in a variety of ways. Many classrooms are learning about the Seven Sacred Teachings (respect, love, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility, and truth) through literature and art, including our divisional program known as The Integrated Arts, where professional artists work in the school. The Social Studies curriculum also addresses various aspects of citizenship as a core concept across all grades. The concept of diversity, including Indigenous perspectives, is integrated throughout the curriculum.
Some of our classrooms hold teacher led Sharing Circles as a format for class meetings. Others are fortunate enough to participate, at different points during the school year, in a Talking Circle program led by a member of the division’s Indigenous Education Department. The Talking Circle is part of divisional programming held within the classroom, for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students to learn and benefit from.
Talking Circles create a safe space where all learners have a voice, and feel honoured, respected, and valued. The Talking Circle is used to build community, foster respect, develop public speaking skills, develop listening skills, and extend understanding. It is also used to integrate Indigenous perspectives into the school culture.
As part of the Talking Circle program, classrooms may be invited to participate in a smudge. Teachers will send home more specific information and a permission slip with students who are invited to participate. All families will be informed in advance of the date that a smudge will be lit and plans will be made for students with severe allergies/ respiratory issues.
The date of our next smudge will be Tuesday, June 20th. Classroom participating are Rooms 4, 16, and 18.
For more information about the St. James-Assiniboia School Division Indigenous Education Department, please visit their website Manitoba curricular documents are available here
As always, we value your participation in your child’s education. Please feel free to contact us at any time,
The Linwood Teaching Team
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Outdoor Challenge!
Linwood Families,
school will once again be participating in an Outdoor Education Challenge! We
will be learning outdoors all day for a week, rain or shine! Students will be designing and constructing
shelters to take a break from sun, wind and/or rain. Students will even eat lunch outdoors “picnic
style”. In the event of extreme
heat/humidity or severe rain we will take a break and head indoors for students
to eat in their regular lunch rooms.
We are excited to share this adventure
with our students and look forward to the learning opportunities we will have
together June 19th -23rd.
We are asking for your support to make
this an enjoyable experience. Students should dress for the weather and will
need some supplies to ensure their comfort and safety each day.
- Hat
- Sunscreen & Bug Repellant
- Rubber boots and a rain coat or poncho
- Umbrella (optional)
- Sweater or jacket for cool mornings
- Water bottle
- Backpack
- Sunglasses
- A change of clothes
items should be labeled with your child’s name and room number please. **In the
case of severe weather we will return indoors.
plan is to engage students in a variety of literacy, numeracy, science, social
studies, art, and play activities that stimulate their interest in and their
appreciation of the outdoors.
outdoors in nature, a child is more likely to “encounter opportunities for
decision making that stimulate problem solving and creative thinking because
outdoor spaces are often more varied and less structured than indoor spaces,”
and “induce curiosity and the use of imagination” (Burdette & Whitaker,
2005, p. 48).
of the week will involve exploring our community. In September, you signed a permission slip to
allow your child to participate in community walks for the remainder of the
school year. If your wishes have changed
since then, please contact your child’s teacher directly.
you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher at school.
in learning,
Linwood Team
must teach them to love the earth, before we can ask them to save it.” ~Unknown
Reminders Re: Parent Council BBQ
Tomorrow is Parent Council's annual BBQ. The BBQ is scheduled from 4:00-6:00 and all families are invited to attend. Please remember that students need to attend the BBQ with their families as no supervision is provided.
Students will be dismissed at 3:40 and follow their usual routine on this date; bus students will ride the bus home and day care students will go to day care. If your child is a bus student and you plan to meet him/her at the school at 3:40, please advise the office in advance to assist with our end of day bus loading procedure. Thank you for your help!
Thursday, 25 May 2017
First Annual St. James-Assiniboia School Division Graduation Pow Wow
St. James-Assiniboia School Division is excited to announce our first annual Graduation Pow Wow taking place on Thursday, June 1st, at St. James Collegiate (1900 Portage Ave.).
The Graduation Pow Wow is free to attend and is open to all members of the community. We look forward to welcoming students, staff, and community members to this inaugural celebration. Please see event details below:
Pipe Ceremony: 4:00 p.m.
Drum/Dancer Registration: 4:00-5:15 p.m.
Community Feast: 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Grand Entry: 5:15 p.m.
Closing Ceremony: 7:45 p.m.
If you have questions, or would like more information, please contact Indigenous Education Teacher, April Waters, at 204-885-1334 ext. 2367.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Giving Tree Update
Thank you for your support! We appreciate all the help that you gave the kids in Mexico.
Story Time with the Principal
Every month students from each classroom come together to enjoy a story and a snack with Mrs. McDonald. Over the course of the year, each student will have a turn. In May, the following students participated: Elizabeth, Jaxon S., Alisa, Verna, Vlada, Graham, Teagan, Caroline, Zeida, Mekhi, Tayna B., Rebecca, Ethan R., Vlera, Mikey, Julie, Yu Min, Rowan C., Kshanelle, Kael, Natalie, Alex C., Wyatt, Jared and Elyse.
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Room 15's Family Fun Night
The excitement is in the air as Team 15 will be hosting a Family Fun Night! Tickets are $3 and available at the door or in advance from any Team 15 students. Please join us on Monday, May 15th, 3:40 - 5:40 p.m. in the Linwood School gym and auditorium for games, snacks and drinks for purchase, and to raise money for the Terry Fox Foundation.
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Parent Survey
Every second year, the St.
James-Assiniboia School Division surveys parents of Early Years
students to gather your feedback on areas of strength and areas for
continued growth within our schools.
We value the feedback of all our families and hope that you are able to complete the survey. Please click this link to complete the survey before. The link will remain open until May 31st.
We value the feedback of all our families and hope that you are able to complete the survey. Please click this link to complete the survey before. The link will remain open until May 31st.
Should you have any questions about the survey, please don't hesitate to
call the school office at 204-889-9356.
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Information Regarding 2017-2018
Plans for the fall are well
underway. If, at any time, your plans regarding returning to Linwood for 2017-2018 change, please contact
the office.
Below please find the profile for the 2017-2018 school year.
Opening Conferences: Wednesday, September 6 and Thursday, September 7. Details will be sent home with your child's June report card.
First Day of Classes: Friday, September 8
Winter Break: Monday, December 25 to Friday, January 5
Spring Break: Monday, March 26 to Friday, March 30
Last Day of Classes: Thursday, June 28
Linwood will have the following classrooms for 2017-2018:
Kindergarten (one each AM and PM class)
One class of Grade One
One class of Grade One/Two
Three classes of Grade Two/Three
Three classes of Grade Four/Five
Teaching assignments have now been finalized. All homerooms will retain the same teacher with the exception of Room 10. Mrs. du Plessis will return from her maternity leave in September, resuming her position in Room 10.
Below please find the profile for the 2017-2018 school year.
Opening Conferences: Wednesday, September 6 and Thursday, September 7. Details will be sent home with your child's June report card.
First Day of Classes: Friday, September 8
Winter Break: Monday, December 25 to Friday, January 5
Spring Break: Monday, March 26 to Friday, March 30
Last Day of Classes: Thursday, June 28
Linwood will have the following classrooms for 2017-2018:
Kindergarten (one each AM and PM class)
One class of Grade One
One class of Grade One/Two
Three classes of Grade Two/Three
Three classes of Grade Four/Five
Teaching assignments have now been finalized. All homerooms will retain the same teacher with the exception of Room 10. Mrs. du Plessis will return from her maternity leave in September, resuming her position in Room 10.
Class Placement for 2017-2018
The purpose of the Class
Placement Process is to maximize learning for all students by constructing
balanced classes.
The class creation process is a complex one involving the gathering of information about student needs and the making of collaborative decisions from staff and administrative teams about student placement in classes.
The class creation process is a complex one involving the gathering of information about student needs and the making of collaborative decisions from staff and administrative teams about student placement in classes.
Factors considered are
academic progress, specific instructional needs in different areas, interactions
between students, gender balance, numbers in each grade for multi-level
classrooms, and information provided by the current teachers, child, and
parents. If there is information in addition to
the knowledge we presently have about your child that you believe may be
important to our consideration of class placement, please let Mrs. McDonald
Placing students is not an
easy task and the professionals in our school invest a great deal of time and
thought into the process. The classroom drafts are reviewed by
collaborative teams of classroom teachers, specialists and administration. We
strive to create the conditions that will help each child be successful here at
Students in Grade 2 from Rooms 4, 6 and
10 as well as students in Grade 4 from Rooms 15, 16, and 18 will continue on to
Grade 3 and 5, respectively, with their current classroom groupings. Towards the end of
June we will once again hold “Bump Up Day” where all students meet with their
new teacher and classmates. This experience has been well received in previous years and
benefited students by reducing anxiety and creating excitement about the new
Please direct all questions to Mrs.
McDonald at 204-889-9356. Thank you for your support.
Friday, 28 April 2017
Music Monday is coming to Linwood!
Please join
us as Linwood celebrates Music Monday on Monday, May 1st at 9:05 –
10:20 (approximate times) in the auditorium. Every student will have a part in
this assembly which will include Orff instruments, drumming, movement, singing,
the Linwood Choir, and a couple of surprises! We will finish our assembly by
singing the Music Monday 2017 Anthem, Sing it Together, led by guest musicians,
Mr. G. Dresser and his son, Pierce.
Thursday, 20 April 2017
The St. James Divisional Children’s Choir Visits Linwood!
Students and staff were serenaded today by the Divisional
Children’s Choir! A huge thank you to Mrs. Neufeld and the choir (which incudes
four of our own Linwood Grade 5 students: Izzy, Makayla, Sasha, and Toby) for
your beautiful performance and for including Linwood on your tour! Our students
and staff were inspired by your dedication, excellence and beautiful singing!
If any Grade 4 students would like to audition for the choir for
next year, please contact Mrs. Wurch for forms and audition information which
will be available next week.
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Message from the City of Winnipeg
Winnipeg Parking
Authority campaign encourages drivers to “Be Aware. Park with Care” around
schools, fire lanes and designated spaces
Campaign aims
to educate drivers prior to WPA mailing out tickets for parking
Winnipeg, MB – Today, the Winnipeg Parking
Authority (WPA) launched its “Be Aware. Park with Care” campaign which
encourages drivers to follow parking laws when stopping or parking around
schools, fire lanes and designated parking spaces. The campaign aims to educate
drivers about the parking rules in these high-offense areas prior to the WPA
beginning to mail out parking tickets on May 1, 2017.
“Parking illegally around schools, in
fire lanes and in designated parking spaces can cause serious safety concerns,
traffic delays and inconvenience,” said Councillor Cindy Gilroy, Chair of the
Standing Policy Committee on Innovation. “I’m pleased to see the Winnipeg
Parking Authority take the initiative to educate the public and emphasize that
these spaces are saved for something more important than your
The campaign features several videos that will be used to supplement a
social media campaign, radio spots, newspaper advertising as well as targeted
communication with schools and parents.
“Illegally parked vehicles during
school pick up and drop offs create serious safety hazards for children and
cause traffic delays,” said Councillor Brian Mayes, the City’s Liaison for
School Boards & Youth Opportunity. “I am thrilled the Winnipeg Parking
Authority is launching this campaign and working with schools to address these
Similarly, the campaign notes that
illegally parked cars in fire lanes, whether at a shopping mall, grocery store,
community centre or other public venue, can also cause safety
“It’s vital that fire lanes remain
free and clear of any parked cars so that we can respond quickly to emergency
situations,” said Assistant Chief Mark Reshaur, Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service.
“Whether it’s a fire or a medical emergency, seconds count so please pay
attention to signage and do not park in fire lanes.”
Also highlighted in the campaign are
designated parking spaces which are reserved for persons with a physical
disability and a properly displayed current permit.
More information is
available at
inquiries should be directed to the City of Winnipeg Media Inquiry Line at
204-986-6000 or via email at
us on Facebook:
us on Twitter:
Monday, 3 April 2017
Volunteer Appreciation
Linwood Volunteers,
You Keep Us Afloat!
Linwood Volunteers are invited to join us on
Tuesday, April 18th at 9:15 a.m.
for a morning of treats and talents.
Welcome Back!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break and found time to balance rest and relaxation with fun and adventure. Families are reminded that students must be prepare to be outdoors daily, recess happens in all sorts of weather! During this 'soggy' time of year a spare pair of socks and even a change of clothes can help to make the day more comfortable in case of we clothing. The final term of the school year will see lots of special events taking place. Please be sure to check the school and classroom blogs frequently to ensure you are 'in the loop'!
Monday, 20 March 2017
Parent Council has generously arranged for our students to enjoy a special performance "Folklorama Teaching Workshop". The workshop will feature two different performances in an assembly style presentation. This will take place on Friday, March 24th at 1:15 PM. Parents are welcome to join us!
Story Time with the Principal
Every month students from each classroom come together to enjoy a story and a snack with Mrs. McDonald. Over the course of the year, each student will have a turn. In March, the following students participated: Samantha, Makayla V., Marcus, Zhane, Seth, Tae Hyon, Gabriel M., William, Ken, Miley, Rowan, Noah, Nikolai, Sasha, Ella, Madelynn V., Madysen E., Kieran B., Hana, Ajay, Ben, Maddox, Audrey, Makayla H., Addi W., and Madison H.
Monday, 13 March 2017
Attention Volunteers!
Have you helped out with a field trip, fun lunch, sending party snacks, or in the classroom? We appreciate your efforts! Our annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast is coming up quickly on Tuesday, April 18th at 9:15 AM. More details will be sent home with students closer to the event. For now, please save the date!
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Celebration of Learning
On Thursday, March 16th we will host our second term Celebration of Learning with an open house from 4:30-7:00 PM. Our goal is to have all families participate. This is a wonderful chance for our students to share with their families all of the learning that has taken place during the second term of our school year. Details were sent home yesterday with your child's report card.
While you are visiting our classrooms, please also remember to visit:
- The lost and found (on display in the front hallway). Items remaining at the end of March will be donated to a charitable organization
- Book give-away (also in the front hallway). Free children's and adult's books will be on display, help yourself!
- Project Fair (auditorium). Students who participated in this optional event will have their Heritage Project or Science Project on display for all to enjoy.
While you are visiting our classrooms, please also remember to visit:
- The lost and found (on display in the front hallway). Items remaining at the end of March will be donated to a charitable organization
- Book give-away (also in the front hallway). Free children's and adult's books will be on display, help yourself!
- Project Fair (auditorium). Students who participated in this optional event will have their Heritage Project or Science Project on display for all to enjoy.
Monday, 6 March 2017
Giving Tree Hosting Snack Sale
during p.m. recess by the office. Please see the schedule of snack sales included below. You can check out the Volcanes Community Education Project at the website link below as well. Please help the kids in Mexico by buying our snacks! Thank you for your support!
Our Choir Won Silver!
to our choir for winning a Silver for their performance at the Winnipeg Music
Festival on Wednesday, March 1st! We are extremely proud of our
Choir members and thank them for their hard work, dedication to practicing and
for doing a wonderful job representing Linwood School! Thank you to Izzy, Hana
S., Makayla, Ashley, Addi W, and Mr. Wurch for accompanying our songs with
percussion and violin! A final thank you
goes out to our volunteers who helped chaperone our trip! A date for our Silver
Celebration Party will be announced soon!
Friday, 3 March 2017
Thin Ice Warning
Manitoba Infrastructure’s Hydrologic
Forecast Centre is advising people to stay off the Red River in the Winnipeg
area as high water from the United States makes its way north, raising river
levels between eight to 10 feet, possibly weakening and breaking the ice.
The rising Red River will influence the level of Assiniboine River in the
area where the two rivers meet and possibly upstream.
Recent warm weather extended into the
northern U.S. melting surface snow and raising water levels in the Red River
Due to changing weather patterns, ice
conditions on southern rivers and lakes may be hazardous. It is strongly
advised that people be careful if venturing out onto what appears to be frozen
rivers and lakes due to thin ice conditions.
Rivers can be especially hazardous as
ice thickness can vary in the same area of a river. Ice tends to be
weaker toward the middle of the river, although there may be exceptions.
Areas of fast-flowing water tend to have thin ice which may not be visible.
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
News from City of Winnipeg
City of Winnipeg Leisure Guide
The City of Winnipeg is proud to provide a wide
variety of recreation and leisure opportunities that contribute to the overall
well-being of our community. The Leisure Guide is published three times
per year and is filled with fun and exciting programs for everyone. The Spring/Summer 2017 edition features
spring skating lessons and a number of exciting camps to keep the kids busy
this summer, including a full-day format for our “L’il Critters” preschool
more information on leisure, sport and fitness programs, please pick up a copy
of the Leisure Guide, call 311 or visit Guides are available for pick up at civic
pools, libraries and leisure centres, and at a number of retail locations
including Safeway, 7-Eleven and Mac’s.
for the Spring/Summer 2017 Leisure Guide at the beginning of March! Registration
for swimming lessons only will begin on
March 14 at 8:00 am. Registration for
all other programs will begin on March 15 at 8:00 am.
for any 2017 City of Winnipeg summer camp by May 5 and you could win your camp
for FREE!
City of Winnipeg Priceless Fun
now have easy access to information about free recreation, leisure and library
programs with the free programming guide, Priceless Fun.
Spring/Summer edition of Priceless Fun, available at the end of March, provides
information about the free programs for children and youth being offered by the
City of Winnipeg throughout the city, all in one convenient guide.
copies of Priceless Fun are available for pick up at all civic indoor pools,
libraries and leisure centres. You can view the current edition of Priceless
Fun online at: Information about
programs is also available by calling 311.
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