Monday 6 April 2015

Seven Teachings Update

Each month, the children have been learning about a character trait as part of the Seven Teachings.
In January, the students explored the concept of courage, represented by the bear.  The bear represents courage because of its strength and natural ability to overcome challenges. In classrooms, students learned that it takes courage to do what is right and that daily challenges take courage to overcome.  Our Grade 4/5 students wrote beautiful picture books about courage to share with and teach their younger peers.
In February, the character trait of honesty was introduced. The Sasquatch represents honesty. Children were taught the importance to be honest with themselves and others and to be true to their word. 

In March, the students learned that the beaver represents wisdom. Everyone has a special gift and we should show wisdom by using our gifts to help others and ourselves. The beaver’s gift is his powerful teeth that allow it to cut down trees to build. If the beaver did not use its gift, the teeth would continue to grow until they became useless.




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